Posted in Barack Obama, C-Haze, Children, Elections, Joe Biden, John McCain, News, Politics, Presidential Campaign, Race, Sarah Palin

My Vote Has Been Cast…

It’s all come down to this… and now it’s Election Day.


I’m basically having a nervous breakdown.

I intend to stay up all night tonight… no way I can sleep with all the excitement of the election all around me.

Good thing I took tomorrow off… by the time this is over, it will have been a helluva long day.

I was at the polls, ready to vote at 5:45 this morning.

After waiting about an hour, I cast my ballot.

As I was leaving the church, my designated polling place, I cried.

I voted for a black man today, and millions of my fellow Americans have- and will- do the same.

We are making history.

When I tell my two beautiful black-women-in-training that for them the sky is the limit…

… I can do so while looking them in the eye, knowing I am telling the truth.

This is what makes my country great.


Tryin' to get the hang of this life thing... one step at a time!

2 thoughts on “My Vote Has Been Cast…

  1. THis is the most historical day since Martin L King entered history. A women running for vice president and an African American running for presidency and an AARP candidate. THis is one for the histroy books

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