A Little About Me

Hopefully, in reading my stuff, you’ll find that I have a broad outlook, and have experienced enough to be interesting.

I have (at least I hope I have) a unique view about life…

I was adopted at the age of six, and spent several years in foster care prior to that. I am bi-racial (I prefer the term Halfrican 😛 ), I was raised by a white family, and ultimately married a black man. We have two beautiful daughters.

We’re divorced and have each remarried- we’re co-parenting and blending families, and it’s working.

I originally hail from Charlotte, NC, but have since lived in Missouri, Ohio and Indiana (not necessarily in that order- wait- yea, I think it was in that order).

My upbringing tells more of a “Riches to Rags” story, as opposed to the more cliche’d “Rags to Riches” story.

My father was a successful business man for many years, only to quit his job and go back to school to become a minister when I was a teenager.

My parents are my heroes, as they are living their dreams… they are my true role models. I’ve never known two people who have worked harder, or sacrificed more for themselves, their families, and each other. Their path was never the traditional one, but they made it, and in the process, taught me more than they’ll ever know.

I have learned to laugh… at everything basically, and have been blessed with the gift of severe sarcasm. I’m opinionated as heck, but I always wanna hear from other opinionated as heck folks too.

I am a recovering alcoholic. I talk about it. A lot. And true crime too.



5 thoughts on “A Little About Me

  1. I really like your posts; the depth and the variety. I might not agree with everything you say, but I totally respect the fact that you have an individual point of view and are making an effort to have your voice heard! Good work!! 🙂

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